Designer handbags are meant for those willing to swap their boring regular everyday bags with a more chic accessory. Designer handbags set you a class apart, whether at a formal dinner or a lazy afternoon out with friends. All top designer brands, such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Yves Saint Laurent and Tiffany, offer an exhaustive range, albeit at exorbitant prices. Hence, certain companies have come up with replica handbags, which are exact clones of popular designer bags available at affordable prices. Just like designer luxury handbags, replica bags are also classified as unisex bags, and those created exclusively for men and women.
Unisex Bags
A messenger bag is a unisex bag that can be used both by men and women. These generally come with a long strap and are to be worn across the body. Messenger bags are true utility-based accessories, which allow you to carry heavy or bulky items, at the same time providing easy access to its contents. For instance, the Gucci designer replica handbags are both trendy and practical. Their fully adjustable straps make them extremely convenient, especially when carrying things like a laptop. Their creative and trendy designs make them suitable for both men and women
Designer Handbags: The Men's Line
When it comes to making a fashion statement, men today do not want to be left behind. Some great options in men's designer handbags are:
Satchels: Satchels are large bags with a small handle and a large strap that goes across the body. It has been used extensively by college students. Today, it is also being used by working professionals. For instance, Louis Vuitton's Damier Geant canvas satchel is a perfect office bag, given its multiple zippered pockets and its big size that fits legal-size documents. It is made of calf leather and high tenacity polyester and polyamide, making its highly durable. It is big enough to fit legal size documents and is equipped with multiple zippered pockets. It is perfect to be used as an office bag.
Duffels: The bag is named after a Belgian town 'Duffel', the place where the thick material used in making these bags originated from. Duffels are generally cylindrical shaped, large bags, used for traveling purposes as well as a gym kit bag. The widely popular Gucci duffels are available in smart masculine tones. You can easily carry your laptop in it with style!