
Style and Sophistication Can Only Be Found on Authentic Handbags

When you finally make up a decision to pay a pretty penny for a handbag, you must be sure it is the real thing you are looking for. It is nothing new to see too many cheap fake versions of Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Christian Dior and other high-end fashion handbags on the market due to increasing popularity of handbags at the present time. However, the style and sophistication still can only be found on authentic handbags.

An authentic handbag is worthy drooling over. Whoever carrying a branded original handbag will be envied. We often tell a lot about a woman from her clothes; however, when the fashion industry becomes more flourishing, women learn to accessorize them by some other items. Handbag is certainly the biggest new trend. We can also tell a lot about a woman simply from the handbag she carries. You may think this is hard to believe, but you can really find out a number of things about a woman personality just by looking at her trendy and sophisticated bag. Details such as the style, color, hardware, size etc all speak for her individuality. However, knock-off ones can not get this job done at all.

The biggest difference between an authentic handbag and a replica is the material. Many noted brands own their own patent leather that can not be got by any knock-off manufacturer. These classy leathers will require a quite high price, but they are absolutely worthy every penny you pay from your hard-earned saving. We all know Louis Vuitton plays a leading role in the fashion industry. Its edition of Speedy 30 astonished almost everybody on the launching day. Have you seen its EPI leather, which is registered as one kind of its patent leather? Not any else ornament is added on its large expanse of smooth and shiny leather, but it seems incomparable elegant. Is it trendy? People owning this bag must answer you like me: yes, its simple structure is fashionable and sophisticated enough. Due to a limited edition, many people have to turn their heads forward replica bags. However, whatever kind of leather is adopted on replica lines, they can not compare with the original patent kind. An authentic handbag is worthy exceeding your budget.

The second matter enables you to tell a knock-off bag from the authentic is color. Even though the style is imitated closely, an authentic bag is still more gorgeous. Sophisticated designers know well in presenting a stunning bag from whatever visual angle you see. Also, this is related to genuine leather or other classy materials they adopt. An authentic handbag looks exactly like an exquisite art of work. Its visual and tangible effect both symbolizes their personality.

Stylish and sophisticated handbags are always presented by reputable talented designers like Marc Jacobs, Karl Lagerfeld, Frida Giannini etc. They always pay more attentions to make a handbag seem more natural. Pleat speaks for this well. When you exclaim over a shiny replica handbag and think it is well imitated, you are making a mistake actually. Pleat on an authentic handbag always seem a little crumpled. It may not look as smooth as that on the knock off, but it feels quite soft and comfortable.

If you are in the market for an authentic designer handbag, be sure you are not throwing away your money and buy it from a reliable authorized store. Replica bags are certainly much cheaper, but they do not provide you with style or sophistication inspired by the original designer.

